Story of a TREE

Story of a TREE

A seed flowing in air from here to there,
Finally got a place it is to be buried where.

In sand at a T point in an area.

Slowly with the rain and changing seasons it becomes a shoot,
And everywhere below the ground spreaded its root.

After ten more years grown into a tree provided shade and flowers.
Children swinging on it all the time playing around it and no one seems near the tree this scene is very rare,
In the spring this tree look like a colourful fair.

House for many birds, favourite spot for couples,
Actually it was a tree having leaves of maples.

But as the time passed it grew old and shed its greenery,
Now for the tree there's no one to see.

The tree becomes unwell it's leaves yellowed and branches dried,
And in the end days of a tree's life no one was there to cry.

Not the children to whom this tree played a role of friend,
They've become adults now and playing around trees for them is out of trend.

The most busiest T point have now become vacant,
Authorities are going to cut it down like the tree was never meant.

And the tree finally completely died leaving behind memories a few,
But with some more time they'll also blew.

What will happen in future to such cruel world i just fear,
Who on a tree's death cant shed even a single tear.


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  1. Awesome, get it published with some animated video profound with voice of yours & words in a poem.


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