A wish I want to be true...

A wish I want to be true...

My head is full of various types of wishes,
Like eating in a five star hotel lots of delicious dishes.

I even wish to shop with a bag full of cash,
wish someday I'll find a solitaire ring in my trash.

Roaming around on earth on my own expenses,
And no one is there to stop me, no boundaries, no fences.

wish I can dance in front of others the way I want, like nobody care,
wish to ride the most dangerous ride which no one can dare.

A trip around the world in eighty days,
wish the things around me work according to my own ways.

A lion cub I would want as my pet,
wish to taste all different kind of wines, which now to me no one let.

Not just beauty but a beauty with the brain,
wish I could dance with my favorite guy in the rain.

Listening to my playlists in the loudest volume,
Buying the world costliest perfume.

A room full of beautiful accessories I wish I can have,
Jumping on the bed like a crazy or being weirdly mad.

Just one date with the actor I like the most,
Reliving the happy moments which now from my life are just lost.

I cant write all, there is an endless list,
wish God just fulfil my one single wish.


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Image Credit: http://bit.ly/2r2ulk5


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