
Showing posts from May, 2017

Water Water Everywhere!

Water Water Everywhere!                                         While sprinkling it on the green leaves, It appears like a pearl beads . When it rains, it cools everything down, It spreads the aroma of wet sand in my whole town. In the ocean, it’s a bit salty, but with the sweetness of nature, In it resides millions of beautiful creatures. A single drop can turn into a pearl, It can even become a typhoon that swirl. In the well it appears deep and bark, It keeps the greenery alive in my nearby park. Sometimes, it's in the mud which appears faded and dirty, But, as the fun of playing in the mud for the village children, it's more than worthy. I used to float the paper boat during the rainy season, I even love the pigs in the muddy water for no reason. It’s colorless, but it showcases millions of colors, It is even a symbol of romance for the lovers. The river that flows from the mountains, Appears more bewitching than the

A Wrong Number

A Wrong Number One day when I was enjoying the view from my balcony, The telephone started ringing suddenly. I thought it must be my mom as usually, But when I picked it up I found some stranger's voice saying hello to me. I really got confused because I didn't recognise who he was, But before I would say anything to you, you said "I am sorry Rose.". For a moment I felt a little pain in your voice but ignoring that I said "you dialled a wrong number.", You may have got surprised and replied"but this must be Rose's number as much I remember.". I said " sorry to say but actually its not.", Somewhere I guessed that Rose must be your girlfriend with whom you may have fought. You apologised saying "a wrong number I have dialled I thought". Your voice was charming and mesmerised me even though I've never met you, But then you just disconnected said "oops!! I created a problem for you too.". That one cal

A wish I want to be true...

A wish I want to be true... My head is full of various types of  wishes , Like eating in  a  five star hotel lots of delicious dishes. I even  wish  to shop with  a  bag full of cash, I  wish  someday I'll find  a  solitaire ring in my trash. Roaming around on earth on my own expenses, And no one is there to stop me, no boundaries, no fences. I  wish  I can dance in front of others the way I  want,  like nobody care, I  wish  to ride the most dangerous ride which no one can dare. A  trip around the world in eighty days, I  wish  the things around me work according to my own ways. A  lion cub I would  want  as my pet, I  wish  to taste all different kind of wines, which now to me no one let. Not just beauty but  a  beauty with the brain, I  wish  I could dance with my favorite guy in the rain. Listening to my playlists in the loudest volume, Buying the world costliest perfume. A  room full of beautiful accessories I  wish  I can have, Jumping on the bed like  a  crazy

My First Ones....

My First Ones.... The first time I went to the school alone, The first time I watched the porn. The first time I wrote with a pen, The first time I got ten out of ten. All these I still remember as my general firsts, And these things are just normal doesn't bring any emotional burst. The first time I thought about a guy in different way, The first time for someone else's life I pray. The first time I hugged a male except my daddy, The first time to forgive someone I made myself ready. These things reminds me about my little foolish and emotional side, When I usually get confused about what is wrong and what is right. The first time I fought with someone on a pitty issue, The first time I lied to my mother about which she has no clue. The first time I spoke ill about my own people, The first time I made someone cry for real. These things depicts dark side of me, I hope these will remain first and last and will be remembered over cup of coffee. The first time I face t

It's YOU I'm used to off....

It's YOU I'm  used  to  off .... You made me love you, The way you want to. You were the only reason, For things I  used  to do. You let me laugh, let me live, When I was with you I felt I was free. The third bench in the central park, on which we used to sit, All those expressions and words were fake dammit. Dear you  used  to be my un momento , I agree that I liked to be with you. I just nurture the moments, when I used to talk one on one with you, But things were as false as are you. I believed you, I adored you, I mesmerized you, You were a big lie, I should knew. I remember when you got drunk and told me everything, Now you're like a part of me I'm missing. Now I've seen a lot that's enough of shit , I wish I listened when people said that in my life you are a misfit. With you I  used  to feel that my life was full of color, Now things around me looks very blur. You have gone now, making my life a mess, I wish I've guessed that all

Do You Remember

Do You Remember Do you remember eating vanilla ice cream together from the roadside stall, We used to be just 7 at that time when in each other's love we fall . In Same school same class we used to be, I find only you to talk when I was sad or happy. Hand in hand, we used to walk from school to home, And together in parks and on roads we used to roam. Do you remember you used to bring for me chocolates and candy, Our classmate who used to like you I just hate that's Mandy. You fought for me once to the guy who sent me roses, If i have to sleep without meeting you then I used to take sleeping pills doses. When we were just thirteen, we did our first kiss, I wanna ask you so easily how can you forget all this. Don't you remember the promises of being with me always, Now to get away from me you are finding ways. Our  childhood  love would end like this I've never thought, What should I do, to all those gifts for me that you bought. When we were fifteen

An Unknown Feeling

An Unknown Feeling Imagining you singing songs and playing guitar, I never ever knew that I'll come in friendship so far. The way I have now started you seeing , For me it's just an  unknown   feeling . You are just a good friend of my best friend, I don't know why my thoughts always towards you just bend. You're no one but someone talking to whom simply made my day, I know I shouldn't be thinking about you like this, but there's no other way. Already I have beard the loss of someone I loved to be with, But how can you be the one to fill the void he created. You are giving my dreams a meaning, For me it's just an  unknown   feeling . Your ego , my thoughts doesn't match , this I have learned, It'll be good for everyone if  feeling  inside me I just burn. I knew you can never be mine, because you imagine someone else on your side, But I can't control all this, way to get rid of this is suicide. Why this is just a trend, the one you

Story of a TREE

Story of a TREE A seed flowing in air from here to there, Finally got a place it is to be buried where. In sand at a T point in an area. Slowly with the rain and changing seasons it becomes a shoot , And everywhere below the ground spreaded its root. After ten more years grown into a tree provided shade and flowers. Children swinging on it all the time playing around it and no one seems near the tree this scene is very rare, In the spring this tree look like a colourful  fair. House for many birds, favourite  spot for couples, Actually it was a tree having leaves of maples. But as the time passed it grew old and shed its greenery, Now for the tree there's no one to see. The tree becomes unwell it's leaves yellowed and branches dried, And in the end days of a tree's life no one was there to cry. Not the children to whom this tree played a role of friend, They've become adults now and playing around trees for them is out of trend. The most busi


A NIGHTMARE DREAM.. One day when I woke up after seeing the seen around I was completely dead, Because I was lying naked with an unknown guy in the bed. A stranger was sleeping besides me and I've no idea about this shit, Who was he?? I don't know what's happening not even a little bit. Before he could wake up I get dressed and ran from there, While taking taxi , driver was looking at me with an unusual stare. I was feeling like I 've committed some crime, And I want to find out the whole story wasting no more time. About last night all I can remember is that last vodka shot, I went to bar because I needed some time to relax in this season so hot. But after that I tried hard but I can't remember, How to find out the truth I don't even have that guy's number. Should I go back to his place I was just thinking about this, Then driver said "you reached ma'am just get out before you miss". At the gate I realised I've for